Tuesday 21 February 2012

What types of Circuit that use for My Project?...

For the overall, I need tu use 2 main circuits for my project. Which are Solar Charging Controller Circuit and Inverter circuit. Base on my initiatives, I add another 1 circuit. That circuit is a Battery Volt Indicator Circuit. Below shown the three circuits that has been use for this project Extension Cable for AC Power Supply from Solar Power...

Circuit for Solar Charging Controller 

Circuit for Inverter 

PLUS (+) another circuit
Battery Volt Indicator

- Safwan Hashim -


  1. wow!! what a lovely greenly scenery..haha..The circuits look complicated yet interesting.The chosen title really matched with your blog's theme.You might want to give more explanations about those circuits.Try to make them more transparent for readers.Will be commenting again ...keep up the good work!! goold luck 4 ur presentation

  2. InsyaAllah. I will try my best to explain more about this 3 circuit. and maybe we can discuss it. thanks a lot shukri, for the comment.

  3. Sure! this would be great if you are able to make it more interesting as you may get an extra marks for this blog as well as the the precise explanations.I'm very positive your supervisor will be amazed.Do your best and hope for the best!!
