Sunday 26 February 2012

What is the OBJECTIVEs for my project?

Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone...

There are a few objectives that will make this project is importance and also useful for the human being nowadays and also for the future.
  • To produce the low cost of production for electricity
  • To create a user friendly, practically, and flexible of green energy power supply
  • To reduce the interruption of electrical power supply
  • To generate the ZERO emission for electricity by using the natural source  

- Safwan Hashim -


  1. I seem to be the only one who ever posted comments on your is heaven in my sight!!well done with the background as well as the features.They really match each other...let see what you have in the boxes.mmm..don't you think black is a bit too dark?.it makes your page looks gloomy.Perhaps you should pick up a brighter tone for the boxes.Safwan, you might have missed the acknowledgement's statement, you should have it..don't you?by the way...nice meter!!is it really counting the visitors?coz im visitor number 133..It's really hard for me to believe it..I thought im the only living creature who have viewed your blog..hehe....keep up the good work!! if you make a tremendous efforts you shall have a gorgeous marks.heee.will be commenting again..

    1. Thank a lot my friend. yes, it seem like you write just now, you are the only one comment my post in this blog. may be, the other just visit and see my blog and not interested to comment. Ok. thanks for the comment. InsyaAllah I will update and do some changes with my blog. Thanks a lot shukri.
