Sunday 26 February 2012

What is the OBJECTIVEs for my project?

Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone...

There are a few objectives that will make this project is importance and also useful for the human being nowadays and also for the future.
  • To produce the low cost of production for electricity
  • To create a user friendly, practically, and flexible of green energy power supply
  • To reduce the interruption of electrical power supply
  • To generate the ZERO emission for electricity by using the natural source  

- Safwan Hashim -

Malaysia take seriously on GREEN TECHNOLOGY?

Assalamualaikum and good evening...

Now a day, Malaysian government take seriously about the green energy. 

In addition the state government of Malacca is already declare, Malacca will be a Green Technology State on 2020. 

In budget 2011, Malaysian Government was announced full tax exemption for hybrid cars. In It is shown, that how serious our government about to implement the renewable energy as a main power supply energy for our country in future.

- Safwan Hashim -


Assalamualaikum and have a nice day everyone...

Today, I will explain about RENEWABLE ENERGY and also about the SOLAR POWER...


The Malaysian government currently relies heavily on coal, oil, and natural gas for produce electrical energy but today the cost of that source become expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve. 

To overcome this problem we have a lot of choice of renewable energy like hydro, wind, solar, geothermal and hydrogen fuel which is zero emissions and good for the environment.


Solar power is the most famous green energy between the others renewable energy. It is because, the source of solar power is easier to get. The principle of solar energy is the energy derived from the sun through the form of solar radiation either using photovoltaic (PV) or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP).

- Safwan Hashim -

Thursday 23 February 2012

How Solar Panels CONVERT Sunlight to Electricity?

Assalamualaikum everyone...

As I mention before, for this POST I will show you guys how the sunlight from solar panel convert to the electricity.
Lets check it out...

How Solar Panel Convert sunlight to electricity?

- Safwan Hashim -

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Assalamualaikum and have a nice day everyone...

Today, I want to share 1 video about solar-power technology. 
The animated correspondent 'Little Lee Patrick Sullivan' on 'Energy 101' series. 
He breaks down the different types of solar devices and how it work?...
Check it out!

Energy 101 : Solar Power

next video is all about the HOW solar energy convert to Electricity?

- Safwan Hashim -

Explain PLEASE!

Assalamualaikum everyone...

I will try my best, to make sure this blog is useful for everyone. 
Not just to fulfil the requirement for FYP assessment. To respond the comment from my friend, that suggest me to explain more about the circuit that I will use for my project.  
InsyaAllah, I will explanation for every circuit that I use for my project at the next post. 

The circuits are; 
1. Solar charging controller 
2. Inverter
3. Battery Voltage Indicator

- Safwan Hashim -

HOW it's LOOKS like?

Assalamualaikum everyone... 

Emmrrr...... actually I still not very sure how my project will looks like. 
But, we need to plant to make sure my project done and running smoothly.

This is the illustrated model for my project. 

Hopefully it will be similar base on what we have plant or better than this one. InsyaAllah.

- Safwan Hashim -

Tuesday 21 February 2012

What types of Circuit that use for My Project?...

For the overall, I need tu use 2 main circuits for my project. Which are Solar Charging Controller Circuit and Inverter circuit. Base on my initiatives, I add another 1 circuit. That circuit is a Battery Volt Indicator Circuit. Below shown the three circuits that has been use for this project Extension Cable for AC Power Supply from Solar Power...

Circuit for Solar Charging Controller 

Circuit for Inverter 

PLUS (+) another circuit
Battery Volt Indicator

- Safwan Hashim -

What should I do?

This is the Gantt chart for my final year project. Actually, I should follow this work plan to make sure every thing will finish on time. InsyaAllah.

- Safwan Hashim -

Thursday 16 February 2012

my first posting!


Today I create this blog for update any progress of my 
Final Year Project 2nd Semester (degree). 
I hope every body will enjoy to reading this blog.

My project is Extension Cable for AC Power Supply from Solar Power.

I will update my progress of my Project in the next posting...

-Safwan Hashim-